Fundraising and External Support Organizations ESO
The School Committee adopted policies KJA - Relations with External Support Organizations and JJE - Fundraising with JJE-E Fundraising Request Form. As of January 4, 2010 all External Support Organizations (ESO) must have an approved application on file at the Superintendent's Office to remain active.
For all fundraising activities, an ESO or student activity must complete a JJE-E Fundraising Request Form for approval not less than two weeks prior to the activity. Non athletic fundraising request forms are submitted to a Building Administrator. Athletic fundraising request forms are submitted to the Athletic Director for review prior to Building Administrator approval.
In Addition, you will find a new Solicitation of Funds and Materials Request Form. Student initiated solicitation activity request forms are submitted to a Building Administrator for approval. All non student initiated solicitation activity request forms must be submitted to the Superintendent's Office for approval.