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Senior Activities


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Tuesday, May 28

Senior Dinner

  • This event will be held at the Jones River Trading Post (Kingston) from 6:30-9:30 p.m.  We hope your child will attend this great evening of dancing, dining, and reminiscing with their classmates – perhaps for the final time after 12 years of attending school together. 

  • The event is free of charge.  The Senior Class will pay for the event using funds that have been raised during the past four years.

  • Because of that, all students were told that they needed to RSVP by Friday, May 10 by filling out the Google Form that was sent to their emails.  There are 175 seniors in the graduating class, and 163 responded by that deadline (93%), and of those 163 respondents, 156 of them confirmed they were attending, a record percentage (89% of the Class is attending)!

  • Seniors will drive themselves to this event. 

  • Yearbooks will be distributed as well.  

  • “Business casual” – we ask that students dress appropriately.  Students can always wear more formal attire, but at a minimum, please think casual business attire. 

  • Students should be in attendance by 6:45 p.m. at the latest and must stay until 8:45 p.m.  Any student that needs to arrive after 6:45 p.m. (i.e., work, athletics) must clear that with an administrator before Tuesday night.  

Wednesday, May 29 – A busy day with three important events!

Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal

  • All seniors must attend this rehearsal from 7:45-11 a.m. if they plan on participating in our Graduation Ceremony on June 1.  The rehearsal starts at 8 a.m. sharp, so students should start arriving to the PHS Auditorium by 7:45 a.m.

Cap and Gown Pick-up

  • After rehearsal, students will pick up their caps and gowns.

  • All obligations must be settled before receiving a cap and gown.  

  • Students can check PowerSchool or speak with any administrator/main office personnel if they owe materials, which includes any school issued materials, Chromebooks, chargers, and discipline hours.


  • We are pleased that this interfaith celebration of the graduating class is making a comeback this year.  The ceremony is at 7 p.m. in the PHS Randall Auditorium, and while not mandatory, we’d love to have everyone there to reflect upon and celebrate their high school accomplishments and future plans through multi-denominational prayer and song.  


Thursday, May 30 – There are two events planned on this day:

Senior Walk

  •  Participating seniors will visit the three elementary schools and PCMS to be celebrated by their former teachers and current students.

    • Not a mandatory event, but once again, participation is highly encouraged.

    • Students were also asked to sign up via the same Google Form that they used for Senior Diner by May 10 and 150 seniors (86%) told us that they were participating.    

    • Students should arrive to the PHS Cafeteria by 8:45 a.m.

    • Buses depart PHS 9 a.m. 

    • Students should be in their cap and gown for the Senior Walk

Senior Awards Night

  • Randall (PHS) Auditorium at 6:30 p.m.

  • All seniors are invited to attend.  Invitations are mailed out to all seniors; however, attendance in not mandatory.  

  • Students and families will be notified if they are winning an award or scholarship.  A pink slip of paper indicating such will be included in their invitation. 

Saturday, June 1 – Graduation!

  • 10 a.m. on the PHS Athletic Complex (turf field)

  • The event is open to all, without guest restrictions.

    • If the weather requires us to hold the ceremony indoors, students will be limited to  five guests (5) per graduate. 

    • Students will get these “rain tickets” when the get their caps and gowns on Wed., May 29.

  • Students must arrive by 8:45 a.m. in the PHS Cafeteria.

  • We will be releasing many more details about the logistics of Graduation that week.