Parking Expectations and Contract
Pembroke High School
Parking Expectations and Contract
Student-parking at Pembroke High School is limited and is provided as a privilege to seniors first, juniors when available. Of primary importance is providing parking that is safe and orderly, not only for the members of our school community but also for those at Hobomock Elementary School across the street. To help ensure this safe environment, students must sign this parking contract, agreeing to the expectations stated within, before a parking hangtag will be issued. Parking hangtags are issued to seniors in good standing (no outstanding obligations) so that we are aware of those students driving and parking on school property. These nontransferable parking hangtags permit the bearers to park in any space available in the designated student parking lot.
Parking Expectations – Because safety is paramount, students are expected to meet these guidelines:
- Students must drive in a responsible manner at all times. Driving responsibly includes but is not limited to driving at an appropriate speed, being courteous, following the correct traffic pattern, entering and exiting the premises appropriately, wearing one’s seatbelt, parking properly within marked lines, restricting the number of passenger in a car to the vehicle’s intended limit, and ensuring that the noise level is suitable for the environment.
- Students must prominently display the parking hangtag from the rearview mirror of the vehicle. This hangtag must be visible at all times that the vehicle is on campus.
- Parking hangtags are the property of PHS and are non-transferable.
- Students losing a parking hangtag must make arrangements with the main office to procure another one for a small fee of $3.
- Students may not return to their vehicles during the school day without approval from an administrator, who may issue said approval at his or her discretion.
- Students leaving school without permission may have their parking privileges suspended or terminated in accordance with the PHS Student Handbook, as doing so is a violation of our Code of Conduct and is a serious safety concern.
- Students that accrue multiple tardies (more than 10) may have their parking privileges suspended.
- Students that have had their privileges suspended or revoked must return their parking hangtag within 24 hours of the decision to suspend/revoke. PHS will reissue the hangtag when/if the appropriate assistant principal reinstates the privilege.
- Students parking on school grounds during the school day without authorization or in a particular area for which they are not authorized (i.e. faculty area) will receive consequences as outlined in the PHS Student Handbook, as it will be construed as a violation of our Code of Conduct.
- Other Code of Conduct violations may result in a loss of parking privileges as well.
Please see the printable contract below.